Saturday, December 29, 2012

Some analysts Diablo 3 gold PVP announcement before

PVP mode conjecture
According to the reference article was inferred PVP will include the mode of death. Similar to the

quake and Unreal Tournament death immediately resurrected per round limit time.Buy Diablo 3 Gold

The victor's judgment may be two ways, the than both "poll quantity, there is a probably annihilate the enemy of all the number of.

The first way is easy to understand, and the second CS scoring team victory conditions can actually

understand each other all off, and then move on to the next disc. From before revealed pvp video, I think the possibility of the second. Does not rule out that the two forms have.
Gain buff, if the two teams are not equal in the number of the small number of the party may get corresponding buff compensation, the Reference wow Wintergrasp battle. So when 1VS4 when 4 person party is likely to face a Superman.

Battle will to add some Liansha elements, first blood, god like like.
The winner team will have points rewards, points may be other enhancement potion and gold coins.

Equipment strengthening may occur, such as strengthening the equipment to increase one pair pve small

properties, such as lower control time.
PVP References:

The 1.05 PTR patch PVP information integration information
Equipment, property, PvP, skill switching and repair costs and other blue stickers

Team and injury
Team combat, in general occupational mix certainly is a must. However, taking into account that not everyone can cobble together a team of 3 GayFriends to, single row team randomness.
If a particular team, generally have as many strong control remote career, as much unwanted contact can cause harm to career, there is high mobility career.Buy Cheap D3 Gold

Anti-beat is a must!
The level of equipment, to ensure that the case of certain dps the count the Dodge EHP100W should an

ordinary player afford ceiling.
Current pve damage point of view, dps is much greater than the ehp is - the template of the 6000 defense 600 resistance is 88.15% damage reduction, we can get this equation dodge 100W X (1-88. 15%)

X% = The actual layout value of life. Dodge% different occupations.
Of course, different occupations also have varying degrees of damage reduction, but not always resident. Those life and death decisions are not the skills brought by injury, but damage reduction skills when weakest moment.

Single current pve damage crit damage the 30w should all mid-career can easily do. The assumption the monster 0 A 0 anti, 30w actual damage, 3 rounds of attack to to kill a 100wEHP players.
I think pvp damage in ordinary pve damage between 12% to 9% more likely.
Selected targets in team battles is very important, that is, set the fire. The selected set fire to the target, to prevent their escape, this is a test of the team. So strong control occupational (coma, frozen) is a must.

Skills and attributes
Valuable skills to the following categories:
The high mobile class, high outbreak Class, high range, high control, high-injury-free class.

Highly mobile class and high injury-free class do not have to explain.
High outbreak of class is generally very fast hands, the shortest time to reach maximum output. Such as the seven stars of the monk, dh cluster Arrow, Master transfiguration, the barbarians Saiyan, push Bear Witch Doctor / Colossus transfiguration, dh mines too restrictive and difficult known high outbreak class.

High range, is the force of containment, remote exclusive.
High control of the basic skills with% coma, fear, freezing the hands speed is very important, given the body ... Singing and required minimal time.

Some properties
Resistant, armor, anti, do not say, the better.
Fancy beautiful properties. Assuming that the target 7W blood to DH for players 25% +6% +3% = 34%

vampire. In the case of not purgatory vampire penalty kill target blood 7w x 34% = 2.38W This look is

not a lot of Kazakhstan.

Of course, this is just an ideal state, in actual combat to keep 34% of the blood-sucking unlikely to kill a target. Your opponent is not only the enemy, but also your teammates - they also damage output, and you grab.

However, if to Superman 1VS4 the different. Superman party to kill each other all the resulting blood is 9.52w, which can be basically for Superman full of blood. One's own people, the less each other more, the higher the value of the vampire.
Strike back
Let's look at 1000 strike back with a reply. Or 7w sandbags: Suppose a vocational actual (non-forum)

dps can reach 80w pvp damage as normal damage, 10% lower dps should 8w.

Sandbags dress 6000 A 600 anti-the ehp probably is 590,634.92 Liaodao sandbags needed time of 7.38 seconds. Assuming that the speed of our attack is 2, is 14.76 times the number of attacks. Should be 15 times. The recovery of the resulting 15,000 blood (without regard to the skills hit back to punish).

IAS with the faster, hit back the greater the value. Similarly vampire, the fewer people, the higher the value, the more the enemy. dps the smaller the higher the income.
Seconds back
In fact, seconds back without much explanation, as long as alive. Assuming 1000 sec, 10 seconds to

live alone, 10,000 blood back (assuming dissatisfied with blood).

After all pvp not mp10 line and Adam, the battle should be more than 1 minute Zhong very common. So, the more insignificant the higher the value, the more resistance to beat the higher the value, the
higher the value the higher the heap.

Lower control time, most of the job has a solution to control skills. Suppose pvp control is not decreasing, probably need more than 5 to achieve a 65% reduction and control equipment.
The face of the second control will still be controlled to be 1.75 seconds. This property if the premise without sacrificing too much of the main attributes, or heap.D3 Gold .

% Elemental damage
% Damage increase to be some kind of elemental damage, defensive resistance corresponding to these

injuries. If the opponent is resistant to short board, may have to suffer.
Ice deceleration injury can provide the skills and runes that caused XXX% weapon damage. Legal systems

to suffer some, mostly elemental damage, so little ice injury. Gains maximum possible dh.
Kill responses and anti-injury is not to say before making further changes to.
The above is a personal idea of ??some pvp.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Tanks must see! Graphic magic ancient mountain old half cut hide the knife skills.

     For many novice Tanzania have said the magic Gushan old half cut dancing a little difficult, always can not get the speculative blow to share it here under their own set of feelings and experiences.

     First of all say that, do not believe that you the DBM, after several tests DBM tips have serious delay. Hear DBM rerun often easy to run slowly, so you can only trust your eyes to determine the direction of the half cut. (Especially trampling) Of particular note is the BOSS heels, which representative to be trampled on!

Start graphic below

First Photo first half cut: (1)

After a long argument, the first half cut most of the left or right, occasionally occur, but there will be trampled on.

Let the left hands, for example, the first time after the first cut of the left to move to the right rear, you opened the point, and BOSS distance appropriate left and right to dodge knife. The individuals proposed here best not to move to the right too much, BOSS half-moon cut mechanism is based on the trigger half cut in your current position and BOSS into a straight line, so they are actually a the left knife or the right knife, facing the opposite direction, as long as you run a two steps can escape.

Here said that the first time under Why appropriate and BOSS distance, first you trigger bit and BOSS angle between the longer the distance, but easy to dodge half cut, and the second to prevent trampling.

A violation of second knife in Figure 2-5: (2)

If you follow the words I said earlier, the distance and the BOSS then trampled on, you only need to take two steps and then further.

But here we must note that Never too far away and BOSS, a lot of people beginning to hide trample habitual Paoyuan point, but there will be two very troublesome problem, you and BOSS is too far away, the system default Are you out of melee range or melee range circle you and suck back, but trample or eat. Or you might just stand in melee to the farthest edge of the range of the output circle, thus no speculation BUFF BUFF the number of layers is not enough, there is no speculative blow. (3)

Then after you escape the trampling attention back to the the trampling edge position to prevent the rake.

Photo rake: (4)

    Whether you are after eating trampling rake or trampling rake should pay attention to points, not too far away from the BOSS. As a warrior, I suggest that you jump left before the knife tested many times old rake within you trample the face of BOSS, through the the BOSS body slowly walk past time completely in time.

   To note here that do not immediately stop wearing BOSS to prevent immediately appear trampling through the BOSS body need to continue to maintain their own with BOSS distance.

   Probably above three figures a few basic formulation is completed, said learned a personal feeling of playing old 6. Do not move too much can actually post moves, a little walk a few steps in fact, you can escape, no need to run around, such treatment may be out of the field of vision.

   Incidentally The open 3 Block under the old 6 the experience Pugong phase can be completely covered by a round Pugong, process probably in advance to save two Block and anger, open so count Block duration can Pugong stage completely out Free injuries.

   Followed by more than half cut nothing to the BOSS to two shield fierce guarantee 5 knife after the shield block out the first time, come back in fact Titans gas damage is not particularly high, so jump knife chill only need to open a shield barrier on the line, but the chill when Pugong stage consciously open cross shield wall!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

5.0 Enhancement shaman single brush ordinary Firebird experience sharing

         Play has been enhanced Sa, the various mounts like a single brush, MOP before been tireless single brush various mounts only regret is that there is no single brush Firebird, and even try to have dared to try, because the search of online video, can not find Enhanced Sa single brush. MOP after been on fire crow obsession LZ Cock wire can not imagine the black market, online, or do not see any content, enhanced Sa single brush Firebird to see various career single brush Firebird successful, he intended to try it for yourself. finally adapted heaven diamond ring 4th Gaosi Firebird, first on a diagram. (1) (2)

        First is that the equipment and talent, no particular attention to LZ main specialization is milk, enhancements installed is 5HYX this graduation: (3)

       Talent follows that there is no special place, point out the transfer and treatment of astral tide, this should also be enhanced PVE mainstream talent: (4)

       Since many enhancements Sa may not have tried single brush Firebird, so I put my single brush undergone careful to talk about.
        Into this directly to the Firebird lair opinions on the line, the middle of the blame can be easily bypassed.
        2, to reach the playground of the Firebird, the first not to approach land, LZ using restoration talent Qing mobs, because this is more comfortable easily burst into the venue, to lay down the foundation before the release of the two middle mobs reading skills Totem can absorb spell damage, and then lay down their energy Totem (five seconds is the unconscious one), and other large birds Spitfire over, becomes a wolf circling the Big Bird spray dead mobs, and then ran the egg heap laying down on the earth element, Unique peace of mind brush their own blood, the same way round and round, all the mobs and around Big Bird spray dead two eggs heap.
         3, cleared her mobs is BOSS, open BOSS, BOSS behind first chrysanthemum burst, and then picking up feathers heaven, hoops, milk of LZ million years ago did not on days, so much they previously said you enhance other day-off on the number, it should be more than LZ lot easier LZ low-end research study diamond ring for a long time, and also saw a variety of video, and to find the rhythm. There is little attention points, as close as possible to the BOSS, must not be too far away from the BOSS, or will be off the war at this stage to note BOSS fly down and then go through the middle of the field, during descent, not from the BOSS far, two laps not strong eat, can easily lead to out of combat.
          4, the single brush Firebird key point is actually the transfer phase of the flame hurricane, BOSS release storm when DBM will be prompted immediately flying out of the venue, LZ station to the left and right foot oblique Phi pond edge, then immediately inserted a Healing Stream, to see the body of the BUFF, four layers when blood line is not a big problem, 5 layer when LZ opened Sa anger, and then open the tides of the treatment, and then look at the transfer of blood lines open astral, the way you can their own milk to own a treatment of the Bay, so that at the end of phase can guarantee more than 70% of the amount of blood, in short, to pay attention to their own blood, their allocation of these skills, the blood line is no problem, be sure to pay attention to BUFF the number of layers, not early release to reduce injury and treatment tide, too early to put behind it could not stand up.
      Top after multiplication BOSS atrophy left right foot on the left oblique Phi hill walking, etc. BOSS cut all the way over, put BOSS nears Healing Stream walk a little, and then change the wolf hide what BOSS positive skills, do not let he cut straight in your residual blood in the LZ twice here, but because of the blood thick now, and will not lie down. BOSS this time God, picking up feathers at once to keep up and continue this cycle. LZ experienced two revolutions stage, only the BOSS Gaosi the third turn phase, DPS is not high, eat circle rush feeling now DPS should not be a problem.
     5, the last BOSS dead oblique Phi on the left and right feet, in fact, the fight quickly is completely in the third stage before the turn to get, was due to the tension even forget to open the SX.
Seen before was enhanced Sa is not a single brush Firebird, LZ hope this post will give enhance confidence in Sa their little single brush Firebird, might have high-end ZQS successful single brush, the details of the deal also hope to enhance greatly their proposed like to enhance the students, so early to get the fire crow.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

New driving seat "cabal" Harley exposure

As the focus of the fans of the sci-fi movie, I believe the movie "Ghost Rider" will not be unfamiliar. Movies, in addition to the interwoven character of good and evil hero Nicolas Cage .... Johnny Blaze gives us impressed, bike burning Harley impact on our visual unforgettable experience. "Cabal" as 3D sci-fi online game set space unlimited extension, today will be the first time you bring a new horse - Harley.
Perhaps you also want to have a own "Ghost Rider" incarnation valiant gallop Nicolas Cage .... Johnny Blaze, in a dream world. Today, this is no longer a dream, "cabal" that you can have. (1)

Horse, though not necessarily a prince, but the "cabal" multi-owned Harley than white Mara wind.
Harley as a "cabal" new horse, not only have to pull the wind cool look and design fashion domineering, caring personality. Has a Harley is a status symbol, but also a symbol of freedom. When you want to enjoy the Niewaleisi all the beauty of the continent, Harley able to shift the speed of a thousand miles, no mountains, you can make a full panoramic view of the scenery. When your teammates need to rescue you can quickly go to the front, thousands of miles away, to help his comrades out of the woods. (2) (3) (4)

Harley can not only take you a long journey Niewaleisi every corner of the continent, and you fight, Harley is your best friend. (5)

Harley, practical and pull the wind as a "cabal" horse, coming soon, your interpretation of "Ghost Rider" is no longer a dream, as long as you want, you can have!

Monday, September 17, 2012

A number of Japanese enterprises in China factory suspension car enterprises Nissan denied that the smashing

Canon (micro-blog) announced yesterday, in China's 3 factories in September 17th and September 18th two days suspension, and called it a move to company staff safety.Matsushita Ya decides its are in China's 3 factories from today to temporarily stop production, the requirements of all staff at home.Japanese car companies, including Tianjin FAW Toyota, Chengdu, the factory today will temporarily stop production, Zhengzhou Nissan Zhongmu part of the factory production department will also stop to rest one day.

According to canon, the suspension of the 3 factories were: Guangdong Zhuhai digital camera production plants, mainly the production of digital cameras, laser printer, scanner; Guangdong Zhongshan office equipment production factories, the main production fax machines, multi-function machine; Jiang Su Suzhou copier production plants, mainly the production of digital copiers and related peripheral equipment.

Panasonic and suspension of the 3 factories were: Shandong Qingdao Huangdao free trade zone within the electronic components factory, mainly producing all kinds of switches, remote control; Jiangsu Suzhou manufacturing factory, the main production universal modular mounter, lithium batteries; Guangdong Zhuhai system network products factory, the main production digital cordless telephone, LCD flat panel display, according to the Panasonic revealed, the factory in September 15th had small protests.

In addition to plant shutdown, Japanese electrical home appliances brands since last month by the Diaoyu events, sales decline.Suning and Gome two large chain appliance enterprise internal data shows, Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou three Japanese TV from 8 the beginning, sales fell sharply, which fell 44.32%, Sanyo, Toshiba (micro-blog) fell 40.31%, drop 23.41%, Panasonic sharp fall 21.06%.Home appliance market research bodies Yikang published data shows, sharp's market share had dropped to 4.7% from 8.8%; Sony's share had fallen from 5.9% to 4.4%; while the Panasonic, Sanyo, Toshiba's market share has dropped to 1% the following is.

Internet rumors yesterday Japanese car enterprises Nissan factory in Zhengzhou for people smashed to stop production, last night, Zhengzhou Nissan PR Department of Luo Yun in an interview with this reporter said, after verification the factory did not appear to be smashed up the situation, but because today is "nine one eight" to commemorate the day, to ensure that the factory staff safety, Zhengzhou Nissan Zhongmu part of the factory production department will stop to rest one day.

According to FAW Toyota PR Director Ma Chunping disclosed, including Tianjin FAW Toyota, Chengdu, the factory today will temporarily stop production, the production time can be prolonged, it is not clear.

According to the report, some enterprises began in Huari temporary withdrawal of Japanese employees and their families.